Candice Waller - Indie Book Review 


“I’m an avid reader of historical fiction, especially any that touch on significant events in United State History- even if not the main focus (Like “Gone With the Wind” etc…). I’ve enjoyed many over the years and have become somewhat accustomed to how they mostly all have the same feel, but with some different fictional/historical elements – not a criticism, just an observation. But “Greenwich: The Final Project” by Stephen Goldhahn sets itself apart from the crowd in a very big way. I had to double-check the genre listing on Amazon to see how it was labeled, and my assumption that there wasn’t one to accurately describe it was right! LOL. They need to invent a new category just for this one! Goldhahn’s impressive mix of fact and fiction, loaded with historically and culturally relevant details takes us back to a time during the prelude of the American Revolution in 1774 Jersey, and fluidly intersperses it with a more modern-day connection (1999) through the main character John Weston. I definitely learned a lot (great in-text footnotes for further clarification)– I’d heard of the Greenwich Tea burning, but never read anything on it. But while that’s not the focus of the book – but more of the final climax that pulls this multilayered, complex novel together at the end. But in addition to the political, historical, romantic, scientific and time-travel angle, perhaps even more important is that there is truly riveting human story, dealing not just with curses or mysterious green bugs and unrequited romance, but how people change fate and the effects their decisions play over generations. It was never predictable, and was basically one weird twist after another. So even though it is on the longer side, it easily keeps reader engagement. I truly was impressed with the quality of literary prose and overall professionalism, from the cover art, to the editing and the formatting. Recommend for readers of literary, sci-fi, historical-fiction (hey, it’s a thing!)”
– (5 stars) Candice Waller Senior Reviewer – Indie Book Reviewers

Cara Patterson—Indie Book Reviewer

“Greenwich: The Final Project” by Stephen Goldhahn is a brilliantly and powerfully-written tale of epic proportions, both in scope and breadth of topics and even crosses genre lines in a way I’ve never seen (it blurs ‘reality’ with ‘fantasy-ish” in a whole new way – sci fi and history, suspense and drama, romance and more ) and I liked how each of them had their own set of circumstances they go through whether it’s in the colonial times, or the more recent 90’s. It is so intense and original – I really liked the fresh twist he gave to a few familiar tropes, such as what’s responsible for John’s time jumps, and how love can show different forms there is so much that happens packed into these pages, I found myself having to take breaks just to process it all! It is clear Goldhahn has a great interest and passion for this era and is well-versed in many topics, from science/chemical engineering, history, and an understanding of human/familial dynamics, and excellent writing skills, but this doesn’t always translate into a readable and entertaining book the way that Greenwich does. To say this is totally unlike anything I’ve ever read before would be an understatement. Highly recommend.”
— (5 stars) Cara Patterson—Indie Book Reviewers